==================== Photo Intake Process ==================== This is the process I go through when I pull photos off of phones or cameras to add to my collection. Following this process helps me ensure I keep everything organized and backed up. Plus, with a consistent organization, I can easily find things later. My photo intake process is very similar to my :doc:`home video intake process ` and usually takes place at the same time because the devices with photos usually also have videos. Photo Organization ================== I organize my photos by date and logical event. For photos that don't have a particular event associated, I create a "random pictures" folder by month. For example, you might see a layout like this in my pictures folder:: pictures/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 20150101 Random Photos/ 20150103_132230 Crazy Cat Face.jpg 20150112_165211 Phoenix Dancing.jpg 20150405 Easter Sunday/ 20150505_094112.jpg 20150505_101201.jpg 20150505_104532.jpg Intake Process ============== 1. Download the photos from the device onto my computer desktop. 2. Use `exiftool `_ to rename the files to a format like ``YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.jpg`` (e.g., ``21050611_113812.jpg``) based on the original date/time field in the photo. The command to do this is: ``exiftool "-FileName`_ for that - free and pretty easy. After that's fixed, I re-run the ``exiftool`` rename command. Rinse and repeat until all pictures are correctly named. 4. Group photos by logical event. If there are three or more photos associated with a memorable event, I'll put those in a folder with a descriptive name. The folder will be named in a ``YYMMDD`` format with an additional small description, like ``20150405 Easter Sunday``. All the photos will be put in there and no additional work is required. 5. For remaining photos - the ones that are sort of "random" - I add a small description to each photo so we can basically tell what it is, like ``20150103_132230 Crazy Cat Face.jpg``. These photos will get grouped by month into folders with the description "Random Photos" like ``20150101 Random Photos``. Exiftool Script =============== For convenience, I created a batch file for `exiftool `_ called ``picture-rename.bat`` and put it in the same folder as ``exiftool``. I can now run ``picture-rename.bat *.jpg`` and it does all the photos at once. .. sourcecode:: bat %~dp0exiftool "-FileName